Alchemy. Tarot. 

Psychomagic. Freedom.

Break free from conditioning.  Be your real true  golden self.

Trained in psychomagic and metagenealogy, I examine your family’s psychological heritage to integrate limiting patterns of behavior inherited from your ancestry and the ones you unconsciously created as a child. This methodology is used to recognize all the conditioning buried deep in your unconscious mind. It’s purpose is to stop the transmission of familial patterns, consciously move out of automatic pilot and remove the blockages that are holding you back from creating and experiencing your truest and deepest desires. It’s time to stop chasing. Let go of the struggle. Keep the ideal and be the love and abundance you already are. 


María Soledad is the gorgeous name I decided to keep. I AM freedom in the package of an expansive woman. Trained in Meta Genealogy, psychomagic and evolutive tarot by Alejandro Jodorowsky and his son Cristobal. Dived into my unconscious guided by their and my own wisdom hunting for conditioning, patterns and limiting beliefs that we all carry with us. Using the shadow as an ally for creating breathtaking adventures aligned with my truest self, living in a stunning mindgasm since I stopped identifying with ego’s limitation and separation and illusion. Now, fashionably emerged from the depths of my delightful darkness, I identify only with being.

Did it for me now I can serve. I AM absolute passion. My heart is my compass and ecstasy is my middle name.

Through lucid dreaming I receive / channel / remember / activate knowledge and bring it forth in all my sessions. Practice Alchemy Astrology as the map for all the treasures, All seasoned by being a Mentor in manifestation meditation working with theta (brainwave) healing to upload new beliefs and manifest from that field of infinite Possibilities.